#I don't think Heathcliff cares much‚ though
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throughpatchesofviolet · 14 days ago
Have I ever mentioned that one of the prime Heathlock scenarios is Sherry being presented with a food she doesn't like, and Heathcliff volunteering to eat it for her?
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clownhara · 10 months ago
is there like a jester ocs 101 i do wanna learn about them
Putting these under a read more because this might get long
My family :)
Edward Roberts-Rosales: I made too many jokes about this bastard being my dad and now he's my dad. High key wants to fuck plants. Evades taxes like no ones business. Kind of a shit guy but it's funny to watch him mess up everything so we keep him alive for that alone Max Rosales: My better dad. Can really do so fucking much better than Edward but he settled </3. Is a plant man. Likes baking. Is the dad that actually loves me. Heron Rosales: I don't do to much with her but I'm trying to do more. Max's trans sister. Wants Edward dead and honestly, we don't blame her. Average chronic pain haver tbh please get her some Ibuprofen. Boaty McBoatface: My brother who is a boat. Edwards favorite son, despite being terrified of being on boats after he was the sole survivor of a ship wreck. I fuckinh hate this thing
Project Moon adjacent ones
Despise Domek (Or just Des): Local Enkphalin hooked rat. Goes by it/they but people close to it can call them she/her. There are two remaining people who can call them she/her. Steals things from people it likes to keep a piece of them, so don't invite them to your house. Things WILL go missing. Says the phrase "Well it didn't kill me so I'm fine" way to god damn often. Ambrose Domek: Not actually related to Des at all his parents just stole Des's parents last name. We heart religious fanaticism to the point of self harm!!!!!! Has two boyfriends and has convinced himself neither of them like him. Him and Des are besties :) Keith: Real Jester-heads remember Keith. I made this bastard before Ruina came out and he keeps fucking staying relevant to whatever game is out. How does he do it. Lobcorp him is Geb and Myo's adopted son, a Rabbit, and had a complex where he's gotta prove himself 24/7 and ends up getting his leg ripped off. Ruina him is trying to find Gebura again after the whole Library situation happened, and is wildly distraught after learning Myo's whole deal. Limbus Keith is content, much older, runs a weapons shop, and is gay married to Heathcliff. Jesus Christ I made him before the new translation of Lopcorp happened I think HOW LONG HAS HE EXISTED WHAT THE FUCK
Damien Domek: Also not related to Des, just took it's last name because he liked it. They are qprs though. Also is broke as shit but mostly stays out of the Rat lifestyle by just old fashioned robbing people. Loves lying to people for fun and profit, but he is honestly a pretty nice guy. Minus the lying
Arlo: Disgusting rancid cyborg scientist who needs to bathe and touch grass. I adore him though. Ellie: Arlos little sibling. She/they user. Kills people for money and feeds the bodies to the eldritch horror that follows her around Hector: The eldritch horror that follows Ellie around. usually just looks like a dilf tbh its easier for Ellie to explain. Can't actually speak so he usually just talks telepathically while making a bunch of hums, chirps, and clicks to mimic speaking.
Oleander: Local unethical scientist that unethicaled a bit too hard when trying to revive his even worse older brother and turned off most of his emotions manually to avoid coping with the mental toil. Sad! Many such cases. Can't feel any emotions other then joy now. Kinda sucks but he certainly doesn't seem to upset about it :)
Simon: Oleadners brother. Kinda. Moreso a robot piloting Oleanders brothers body. Fucking hates Oleander but after Oleander lobotomized himself Simon begrudgingly takes care of him now. Despite his complicated feelings, he's wildly overprotective.
Cybel: A robot Oleander made! They are meant to gather as much information as they possibly can in case some horrible event happens that kills off humanity. is quite literally indestructible. Likes ice cream.
Octavius: I made this guy to be a danganrompa villain back in high school and I succeeded too well. I fucking hate this fake ass bitch
Tabb: This fucking guy. Trapped in a time loop but he doesn't know and its technically not a time loop. Met his (now) husband ages ago but died shortly after meeting him, so he revived Tabb, then the two got married, then Tabb died again so Halt (the husband) revived him again but he lost his memories then halt died and Tabb revived him the Tabb died again so Halt revived him but he lost all his memories so they dated again and got remarried then Tabb died again and you get the idea. Very nice guy, a bit anxious, perfectly normal minus the dying thing. If it wasn't for him losing all his memories and Halt tampering with shit so he was in love with him i uh. Don't think he'd actually like Halt all that much tbh
Halt: Just wants to be happy with his husband :(. Sad he unethicaled all over that science. Hey are you noticinga theme here. Also he's a cat boy but thats really not relevant to his depression issues
Urge: Halts kinda milfy twin sister. Really sick of all of this loop bullshit because she gets to watch her bestie Tabb die repeatedly, so she packed up her bags and left. Can't be in the same room as Halt without them getting into a fist fight. Do you see the themeing with their namesan d their ideals. Halt is kinda halted in place but Urge keeps pushing forward because she has the urgeto move on. Do you see it. It is almost 1 am
Russel: A kid that got roped into this whole mess because he walked in on a Tabb revival tube without permission. Sticks around Urge most of the time. Had a bad homelife to put it mildly, so Urge took him in.
Theres way more of these bastards but these are the most relevant ones. I am going to bed now. Goobnight
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lu-is-not-ok · 4 months ago
I see! I see! then in turn, envy probably does fit better, but I'm going to give an alternate viewpoint on these sins that I think you'll find interesting.
personally, I don't think the sins involved are the primary lessons of the sinners, but can be interpreted as the failings of the antagonist. Don is more obvious, given the first kindered's "ingenious" ideas that led to his children suffering. his pride blocking the idea that this dream wouldn't work.
while for heathcliff... I doubt he'd have this much of an issue if more than one person in his life gave enough of a damn, its clear cut that the butlers didn't even bother to feed him if he weren't nelly, slothful neglect.
It's an... interesting viewpoint, I'll admit.
I can definitely see what you mean with the First Kindred's main failing being Pride. Him having excessive confidence in his plans and not pausing to hear out the grievances of his Kindreds more closely is what eventually led to everything falling apart, as he was unable to account for his own flaws and did not foresee the consequences of his actions. That is, very much, a classic Pride move for sure.
...However, I think your assessment for Heathcliff and Canto 6 has some flaws in it. Mainly because saying that "the butlers" are the antagonist of Heathcliff's story is... Did we read the same Canto?
Let's dissect this Chapter a bit to get to the bottom of this and see if there is any way for Sloth to come from a Canto 6 antagonist. For the Canto itself, there are three notable antagonists (-ish). Hindley, Nelly, and Erlking Heathcliff (with a bonus Every Catherine as part of the same archetype).
Hindley's all about bullying and hurting Heathcliff out of his own feelings of inadequacy, he feels as though his father cares more for a random kid found on the street than he cares about him, his own son. His Sins could be read as somewhere between Envy (his lack of self-worth being the core of why he lashes out) and Wrath (him feeling cornered and unloved cause him to try to change it by doing everything he can to get Heathcliff out of the picture).
Nelly is... interesting. Her colluding with Hermann is caused by her feeling like she's trapped, helpless to change her fate of being hurt by the fall-out of whatever happens between Heathcliff and Cathy in every Mirror World. This is, also, a very Wrath-coded action. However... she does accuse Heathcliff and Catherine of being too Slothful to actually communicate their feelings for each other and in the process causing harm to everyone around them. Put a pin in that, I'll come back to this later.
Then there's Erlking Heathcliff and Every Catherine, which have fairly simple motivations. They both independently came to the conclusion that they themselves are the reason why the other can never be truly happy, and so decided that the only way to fix that is to kill every Mirror version of themselves. This can be read as many things Sin-wise, primarily Gloom (sinking into the self-destructive hopelessness of being unable to find a World where they can be happy together) and Envy (lacking a sense of self-worth to the point they fully blame themselves for everything going wrong in every World).
However, while these three are the antagonists of Canto 6, they're not really antagonists of Heathcliff's past. It's... a lot harder to say if there is an exact culprit for the suffering Heathcliff went through during his time at Wuthering Heights, but I'll try.
One culprit I'd like to define as more so the environment itself rather than any specific people. Not just the butlers of the manor, but the whole Earnshaw family and the classist system they all live in. All of that in one way or another contributed to the abuse Heathcliff had to endure.
...Could you define all that Sloth? Kind of, maybe, since it's blind acceptance of the system that led to the abuse. But you could also make a strong case for Pride, since a lot of the abuse came from the people around Heathcliff treating him as a lesser being, as someone who isn't worth as much as they themselves are.
So if not any of the Canto 6 antagonists, and if not the Wuthering Heights itself, then who else could be the source of the Sloth?
This is where I'd like to take out that pin from how Nelly described both Heathcliff and Catherine as Slothful. Because, yes, I believe our Heathcliff and Catherine are in a way antagonists to their own pasts as well. Let me explain.
The miscommunication between Heathcliff and Catherine, their inability to share their feelings with each other, them resigning themselves to never be able to do so. Not only is it one of the main sources of a lot of suffering both they and people around them go through, but it's also, just as Nelly commented, very Slothful behavior.
...Which is. What I would like to say. But unfortunately, Nelly can only describe what Heathcliff and Cathy's actions seem like on the surface - in reality, the Sins that are actually on display are not Sloth.
For Heathcliff, it's Envy - he feels like he's not good enough for Cathy, and so feels like he's not worth it to confess his feelings to her.
For Catherine, it's Pride - she feels like she and Heathcliff aren't on the same level, and so feels the need to help Heathcliff become a better person and reach her level before she can even consider confesshing her feelings to him.
I really, really tried to find a way to make this theory work, cause it is a very interesting one that I think could work considering what we've learned about the Golden Boughs in Canto 7. If they feed on people's desires, it would make sense that the Sins they take on as Saplings are of those they fed from. After all, the Bough stabbed into the First Kindred very clearly sapped him of all his Pride, leading him to lose all of his confidence and belief in his dream. Like, it's too perfect for there to not be an in-universe connection!
Unless... we're looking at this all wrong. While narratively, it makes sense for Heathcliff to be the one unlocking Hokma, in-universe it could be a coincidence. After all, there was no Bough able to feed on anyone's desires in Canto 6. One got obliterated, and one got stolen.
So then what other Bough could have fed on Sloth...
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mossy-green-aka-ferrythem · 7 months ago
You know I find it interesting how Faust started off her relationship with Heathcliff by dogging on Heathcliff, sort of doubling down on the mistreatment he received, and acting quite upset over Heathcliff's outbursts. I don't remember exactly what she said to him, but she showed surprise that he made a "logical choice." Very rude behavior coming from her.
However... a sort of shift happened. She began to sort of. Understand Heathcliff. The reasoning becoming clear to her. Why he is the way he is.
I don't remember when this shift happened, but I think it's a general shift, with Faust stepping down from her proverbial high horse, and being kinder to the other sinners. We can see in Murder on the WARP Express, when she was severed from that channel of information she is plugged into, most of her eyes being blinded, she relied on other sinners to see. She began recognizing their strengths, their knowledge, how they live and how they perceive. She recognizes Ishmael's very firm and practical look at things, for example, and thus reached out to her.
Anyways, back to Heathcliff. As I said, since Heathcliff was the one she was the most firm with, and the most frustrated with, her shift towards a more caring outlook is noticeable. She doesn't make snide remarks about him anymore. This is likely because of all of Canto VI. She experienced all of that, and fully understood the weight of it all. The weight of Heathcliff's emotions, and how the most disturbed, cruel Heathcliff there is, had his wailing suffering reverberated throughout the mirror worlds.
Speaking of Mirror Worlds, I would imagine Faust learned a lot from Butler Faust. I don't know if she is in so much a "direct communion" with her IDs, I feel as though it's more about observation. Faust feels very observation heavy, after all.
Like. I don't think Butler Faust is meant to provide any moral direction. I think Butler Faust is meant to be an observer of both Wuthering Heights, and the Wild Hunt. She stands to aid and hone the Hunt. Sharpen that hatred. Exacerbate the cruelty. She is much more of a mechanism, a servant, as Butler Faust, who merely relays the sentiments of Wuthering Heights itself, all from an overzealous chief butler. I am not sure how long Butler Faust specifically was around for, but still, the treatment of Heathcliff is cruel. It is cruel to look at a literal child with such scorn, and it is cruel to dehumanize the twisted child so, as he is fully grown.
Really I don't think most of Faust's IDs have a link to morality. Rather, a link to info. They all observe, and all that observation comes together and results in an interesting base of knowledge. Like, N-Faust is of course, incredibly cruel and unusual, but I believe she serves as a lesson.
A lesson about Nagel Und Hammer zealous and broken doctrine.
While here, to finish my thoughts, I believe Butler Faust serves as a lesson about cruelty, maltreatment, envy, and Heathcliff.
I believe seeing Butler Faust and learning from her was a large contributor to Faust's knowledge, and ended up granting her a massively different overview.
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limbuscompanysituations · 8 months ago
scenario where the gang visits a well known bakery in one of the nest that is owned by reader? i thought itd be really cute for the secretly sweet-toothed sinners to snag a few more and chatter with bakery owner reader! (3
( specifically where little charon gets to talk about her insight about the sweets ? )
A little bit longer than my usual so it goes under the cut
It's rare for the bus crew to stop by at pleasant places. When they do, one can assume that misfortune is soon to befall the location where they're parked by. This time, it isn't like that. It's an opportunity of a lifetime.
They stop by a bakery that's become famous all across the city recently. The lines outside are lengthy and so are the wait times. For today though, they're getting VIP treatment for having dealt with a distortion in that same district.
Rodion stuffs her cheeks full of cupcakes, while Don Quixote eats as many brownies as she can. The other sinners are busy with pies, pastries and cakes of all types and flavors. The inside of the shop looks like a mess.
Vergilius stands besides a happy Charon, who has a box full of donuts of different colors.
"Soft and chewy... Charon quite likes these." She says. "Charon wants the brownies next, Vergie.
Even Vergilius, who always looks annoyed or angry at something or another, seems to be relaxed.
"Prepare your best sweets." Vergilius commands to the shop owner, and then says to Charon, "If you like these donuts, then we'll take a few more boxes."
"You're sharing these with us, right Vergie?" Rodion playfully asks from the other side of the shop.
Vergilius ignores her.
"These are almost the same quality as the gold-sprinkles cake my family commissioned once!" Hong Lu chirps as he chews on a piece of cake, "Although there is no gold over the frosting, I think that's what makes it so delectable!"
"Thank you...?" The owner smiles politely at him.
"I don't know what you put in this cream puff but it tastes great." Gregor comments.
"Ah that's actually a family recipe-" The owner begins to say, but Don Quixote's shrill voice interrupts them.
"This is a meal worthy of heroes!" She begins to speak, "Much like- mhmmph?!"
Rodion stuffs her mouth with another cupcake.
"You have to try these, chiquita!" She giggles then winks at the shop owner.
Yi Sang and Faust are locked in a conversation that is barely understandable, nodding along as they try different pastries. Sinclair is not too far from Ryoshu, who's quietly enjoying her desserts. They both seem to be in good spirits. Heathcliff and Ishmael are farther from the group, happy to stay out of trouble for the moment. Meursault browses the selection of pies with a thoughtful expression, while Outis checks the menu and takes notes in a notepad.
The shop owner did say they could take whatever they wanted, but now they start worrying that their stock will be completely depleted. They feel a soft tap on their shoulder and look around to see themself face to face with a person who had an unusual head prosthetic. They heard that was the group's manager.
They handed them a handwritten note. The shop owner took it and read what it said.
< Thank you for your generosity. My subordinates are quite lively at times, and they eat a lot. Please send the bill to the company. >
"Ah, no problem!" They reply with a shy smile, "I made these with love and care, so it's nice seeing others enjoy my food this much! Besides, you're all heroes. I wanted to show my gratitude."
The manager writes another note and hands it over to them.
< You are very kind, thank you. >
They nod with a bright smile.
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sinnerofwalpurgisnacht · 3 months ago
merry calw incident #1 anniversary everybody
That was a ways off of christmas, months earlier, in fact. It would be more accurate and less traumatising for Sinclair to celebrate our venture into the whale. However that does come with its own set of problems.
A celebration for the fall of the captain and her whale... no, it just doesn't feel right. Too much happened, it puts a bitter taste in my mouth thinking of celebrating the same day I lost Queequeg and the others. Really losing them, not like before. It's not something I exactly want to have a party about... or think about at all, really. - Ishmael 🧭
Then of course it is your decision how you would like to spend this afternoon. We will be permitted a meal today only, as per company regulations and at your judgement.
Haah... Whatever... I dunno. I remember what letting those memories drown you in misery and wrath can do but... Shit. - Ishmael 🧭
It's fine if you're not ready. I think it takes a lot of time for anyone. - Sinclair 🌿
Other people... can make it a bit less shite. The right people, I mean. And even then... - Heathcliff🪻
Ah, we have lost a lot on our journeys. I'm not yet sure what the right thing to do is for this, sorry. Perhaps t'would be favourable to have company in such times as Sir Heathcliff suggested? - Don Quixote ⭐
Maybe. I don't think Queequeg would get having something like this in her honor but I doubt she'd be against it, she'd want me to feel happy remembering her and for it to be something I decide to do... Fine. And it'd be mean to deny Rodion a chance to gorge herself, I'll think on it for a bit... Will there be booze? - Ishmael 🧭
There will be.
Then I can get behind that a bit easier. Have a good night, Faust. - Ishmael 🧭
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It would actually be nice to remember something other than... that... during the holiday season. That piece of shit doesn't deserve to be remembered, or deserve anything... I'll join in, Ishmael. - Sinclair 🌿
Gasp.. You're a generous and kind soul, Ishy. Really though, don't pay mind to me and have an alright night whatever ya decide. You too, kiddo. - Rodya ❤️
Thanks. I'd also like it if we do don't celebrate what happened at Calw when it comes around again, by the way...... It's getting better but the memory's not something that's nice to think about. - Sinclair 🌿
As is expected, there will not be mention of it. Regardless, remember that the designated recreational period ends at the same time as always. Though do have a good night. I will be turning in.
Thank you, Miss Faust. - Sinclair 🌿
Will go with F.K. But I'll still be taking my share of drinks first. - M.R
Pft~ "fun killer." Be nice to her she's fun off company hours, off the other ones too~ - Fun Haver Rodya ❤️
You would be surprised how fun Faust is when elaborating on the mechanics of the backdoor in the middle of a sandstorm, would you care to go for a walk and perhaps learn something for once?
I'll uh... take ya word for it. - Rodya ❤️
It's good to see everyone is in higher spirits, I will notify Dante. Thank you for the anonymous ask as well.
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evorathesylvurr · 6 months ago
i cant believe no one else in the limbus fandom is also into neopets.
"evora what does this mean" it means i know too much god damn neopets lore.
spoilers that go up to violet dawn walpurgis! you have been warned.
yi sang seems like the type who would have a kacheek or two
kacheeks are known for their friendly disposition. theyre also one of my favorites but thats unrelated. he'd also probably have a eyrie.
he'd be the type who has done all the plots. even the ones before he joined. (how? don't ask.)
faust is a crazy aisha lady. look. look. as an aisha enjoyer, i get to claim this one as one of us. aishas whole thing is being really smart.
faust strikes me as the type who would enjoy the battledome honestly. theres so much strategy that she probably cant have the faust hivemind tell her what to do.
don quixote spends neocash to have extra slots so she can dress up all her little guys. she chooses team altador every single time and also her favorite is a gelert.
don probably has event exclusive items but she probably got them off of her friends. also she has every limited time pet.
ryoshu would probably have a WONDERFUL time on neopets so long as she doesnt get her account frozen lmao. girl do not post your art. girl the neoboards arent ready for it. girl your spyders.
yeah all of her neopets are spooky themed or red/phantom/halloween depending on what they can be painted. you will never get her to admit it but her favorite neo is her jetsam.
meursault would play if only because he is autistic and so am i. maybe a shoryu (takes a second for info to load)
meursault knows the ins and outs of the neoconomy. like, jellyneo is in his head.
hong lu has a uni. i was going to give a uni to yi sang for the whole wings thing but unis fit hong lu so much better. this man spends so much money on neocash i do not care if hes actually been cut off from his rich family funds. he is using his salary for his silly little digital unicorns.
he shares don's enthusiasm for the game because i said so :) no i think this small little thing might be really healing for him if his family is shit. neopets makes me cry every now and then like for real because its so warm.
heathcliff picked neopets up because of ▢▢▢▢▢. his favorite is the lupe but he also quite likes acaras.
he takes SUCH good care of his neopets. he doesnt even put them in the lodge. he does his daily games to get his neopoints, goes to buy them food, feeds them, grooms them, plays with them, etc. they have perfect stats but theyve never seen a day in the battledome.
ishmael has a flotsam and thats it. no but she actually mostly has maraquan neos which means shes limited to customizing them :( her favorite is her maraquan vandagyre.
ishmael customizes her neos as best she can. they have the best enrichment tanks. ishmael is also insane at destruct-o-match. do not competitive 1v1 her in destruct-o-match you WILL lose.
rodya has a kyrii and a ruki. she has extensive lore for her neos and you should NOT ask her about it.
rodya is active as hell in the neoboards and she helps everyone with their fairie quests so much. rodya shop wizard extrodinaire. we love you.
sinclair is a pound adopter. his lore is his bruce came from the pound and now they go around adopting pound neopets. every single neo aside form his bruce was a pound adopt.
sinclair does those pound rescue touchups you see every now and then where they take a pet in the pound, give it a new paint job and/or lab zap, and return them to the pound so they have a better chance at getting a forever home.
outis plays neopets too because i said so. average scorchio and grarrl enjoyer though.
enjoys a good chia flouring. she uses her fucking paycheck to chia flour small kid's neopets (she doesnt do it to the other sinners she might be mean but she knows for a FACT she will not hear the end of it for MONTHS)
gregor's main neo is a blumaroo actually :3 i could have given him a buzz or a ruki but that is a cheap blow and i actually think it's cuter to give him the little bouncy guy :3
he enjoys playing the minigames and he leaves his pets in the lodge :( but its ok theyre having fun at the lodge.
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clean-bubbles-aka-bubbles · 7 months ago
Since it's been a while since you've updated your TMC fanfic, can I get headcanons of the relationship between your OC (Clean Bubbles) and the canon characters (I've got a feeling that most of the characters are going to be alive- so I'm a bit hyped up!).
Well... since I'm working on the story and deep into it... I suppose I could tell you!
Characters Featured: Mark Heathcliff, Sarah Heathcliff, Cesar Torres, Adam Murray, Jonah Marshall, Evelin Miller, Thatcher Davis, Ruth Weaver, David Lee
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To Clean Bubbles, she sees him as a friend... but she feels like he's the older brother (which he is)
Although Mark already has a younger sister, Sarah, he thinks of Bubbles as the little baby of the family, much to his amusement
Despite Bubbles's efforts to act tough and strong and protect him, he feels like and knows that someone needs to watch over her after what she had been through for the past 15 years of her life
(It’s usually Cesar or Mark that initiates the quarrel for fighting over the big brother position)
He's mostly chill around her, not really much of a teaser as much of his childhood friend and Jonah
He'll just be around her presence and genuinely enjoys her being around as another younger sibling of the family
He really likes her positive aura that she carries even though she struggles to quit her selfless bad habits. It does at least help him ease with his paranoia
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Bubbles would've also seen Cesar as an older brother, but since Mark already took the position, she sees him as the middle brother
He's a teaser to her, but not as much as Jonah, so he does teasing a little bit, usually when she falls asleep or acts funny
Sometimes gets in a mini-quarrel with his childhood friend, competing to see who's the better brotherly figure for Clean Bubbles
He helps Bubbles get optimistic back up since she's been living isolation for 15 years before meeting him and his childhood friend
Just like Mark, he wants to protect her, but she is insisting on protecting him with her stubbornness.
He'll be the one to make small gifts and surprises for her to make her smile
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Sarah definitely treats Bubbles with a lot of unconditional love (gentle headpats and hugs)
She’s always the one to stop her brother Mark and Cesar (her childhood friend in my headcanon)
She’ll be the one to give Bubbles any item that she’s interested in despite the insistence she doesn’t need it
Because of Bubbles sometimes seeing Sarah as her biological older sister, Jade, she’s always sticking close to her
Sarah is comfortable with Bubbles and vice versa.
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This guy isn't the friendliest, which reminds Bubbles when she confronts her cousin (Blue Wing) when he's mad at something petty
They don't get along with each other well since neither talks to each other a lot. It's mostly a friend relationship
Adam isn't much of a comfort person, so he only sits and listens (which he sometimes can drone out)
Despite their differences, the only reason Adam stays with Bubbles is because of her knowledge of the Celestial Artisan and her magic makes it easier for him to fight and capture Alternates. Bubbles only likes Adam because she still cares for him (platonically) and needs to protect him from the truth of his existence despite his cold attitude which depicts a similarity with her cousin when he's mad and grumpy
Adam doesn't get angry a lot at Bubbles when the others are present around her or not, knowing that she's important for the team when fighting against Alternates.
The only reason that he gets mad (pun intended) at her is when she has to do something reckless that involves her self-sacrifice and her having no regard for selfless and her life
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Bubbles sees him as an extreme goofball, very much like one of her older cousins, Tyler Wing
Bubbles appreciates Jonah's company, seeing him as her "old self" before she got isekai'd into Mandela Catalogue world because of his goofy, light-hearted, and chaotic energy he carries
Jonah's not much of a comforting person, but he does try his best to support her. (He gives her a lot of hugs)
It's more of a friend-like relationship rather than a distant relative since Bubbles doesn't see him and Adam often
She really likes sharing her wild imagination with Jonah
They both get fascinated over the small things and hyped
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They're both socially awkward and quiet, but that encourages Bubbles to speak up and help Evelin deal with her problems
It's mostly a friend relationship, similar to Jonah and Adam
Bubbles usually checks in with her if she ever gets the chance to meet up with her again and hopes that she's getting better
However, what Bubbles doesn't know is the fact Evelin is also concerned for her well-being
Evelin struggles to ask her if she's really doing okay, unlike everyone else.
Ever since Bubbles introduced her to the Celestial Artisan's magic, she had been becoming a bit more open as Bubbles slowly closed herself out from others.
When Bubbles checks in with Evelin, it reminds her of her past life at school of how she makes friends with a quiet kid and is usually the loud and excited one to talk
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Bubbles sees him as both emo uncle officer and tired dad. Thatcher sees her as a surrogate daughter.
He questions more encouragingly without sounding too cold or too kind when he knows something is off.
Unlike the canon timeline, he doesn't drink or smoke a lot to make him forget the pain due to Ruth being saved from the Celestial Artisan
However, he's still depressed that the Celestial Artisan "disappeared" and left humanity to succumb to the suffering of the Alternates
He still blames himself for not being able to do anything since the Celestial Artisan could only defeat the Alternates. But it changed when he met Bubbles...
Understanding that she had the knowledge and power of the Celestial Artisan's magic but kept it hidden out of fear and reason, he felt she was shouldering a heavier burden.
He knew he needed as much support despite not being with her often. But there he feels like there's something bigger she has kept hidden from him and the others...
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This female police officer is DEFINITELY 100% a mother or auntie figure for Bubbles
Ruth really wanted to ask herself how the hell she is alive after nearly getting killed by Vol. 333 Alternate and saved by the Celestial Artisan.
Upon meeting Bubbles, she could tell something was extremely off with her when she was interrogated by her and Thatcher
Although she would've been disappointed in the Celestial Artisan having to leave humanity to suffer, she assumed it was supposed to be a message to tell humanity that they can't rely on the Celestial Artisan forever
She'll be the one to initiate the small conversations with Clean Bubbles and see how she is doing
Like Thatcher, she also sees her as a surrogate daughter that needs help after being isolated for 15 years of withholding powerful knowledge
When Bubbles is depicting everyone as a family member, she has trouble deciding with Thatcher and Ruth's role of being a family member since they act like both
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(I love this wholesome guy) HE'S THE PERFECT ROLE FOR A GREAT UNCLE! Bubbles depicts him as a funny uncle she likes but is scared of angering the usual happy-go man
David is quite surprised when she is introduced to him after learning how she saved her nephew and nephew's best friend
He does notice Bubbles's sign of distancing, closeness, and aloofness with others, including him
David will try his best to get her open and comfortable with his presence and others' presence without probing her too much she feels uncomfortable.
Despite his genuine and wholesome kindness to Bubbles, she is still scared of disclosing some dark and personal information with him, but that doesn't mean he stops trying
He usually checks in after a few minutes or so, relying on his niece, nephew, and nephew's best friend to keep her in touch
David doesn't pry too far with asking Bubbles of her information. If she doesn't like it, he'll leave her alone, unlike Thatcher, making him a fool...
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cainluvr69 · 1 year ago
Surely, We Can Make Miracles Chapter 21
Previous Chapter
Arthur: We've followed the mermaids a pretty long way…
Cain: Are we coming up on Adams Island yet…?
Rutile: …Oh! I can see something, over that way!
Chloe: …You're right… Are those…buildings…?
Murr: That's Adams Island! I wonder if the beautiful stone staircases it was known for are still in one piece?
Rustica: You've been to the island before, Murr?
Murr: Yep! Aaaages ago, though!
Cain: There are a lot of overhangs around here. Everyone, be careful you don't run into them.
Chloe: Okay… The mermaids are all swimming pretty close to the ground…
Arthur: …Mm, with all the sand swirling around, it's kind of hard to see. Be careful, everyone…!
Cain: Gotcha!
Rutile & Chloe: Okay!
Arthur: … …Now that the sand's mostly settled, it's really starting to look like a city…
Rustica: …What a mystical landscape… It's hard to imagine that long in the past, people walked through these streets…
Cain: …I can see something carved into this monument…it's pretty faint…
Rutile: …Coral Road… Is this the street's name…?
Murr: Oh, I'm feeling downright nostalgic! I used to walk through this part of town a lot! I'd sit in the window seat of that cafe there with a book or two… …!
Arthur: …!
Chloe: Wh-what? What is it?!
Arthur: Something's coming closer…
Rutile: "Something"…?
Rustica: We should hide ourselves.
Cain: But…
Arthur: Rustica's right. It's something that we have absolutely no chance of defeating.
Cain: …
Murr: …
Rutile: …
Chloe: …
Rustica: …
Arthur: …
Hwylryn: My, my. A whole flock of wizards.
Arthur: …A young man with a silver bracelet…?
Rutile: Hwylryn…?
Hwylryn: Oh, you were with Akira.
Rustica: <Amores Viesse>
Hwylryn: Wah… What a pretty song…
Murr: Let's move now. We need to get away before Rustica's spell wears off.
Cain: Murr?!
Murr: Or we're gonna get slaughtered.
Chloe: Wh-what…?
Hwylryn: …It's so lovely…
Rutile: He wouldn't…! Hwylryn isn't that kind of person…
Arthur: …gasp… …I forgot to breathe… …He rivals Lord Oz…
Akira: You can feel the cintamani stone from…this direction…?
Oz: Yes.
Heathcliff: This ship is so big… I wish I could've seen it before it sank.
Shino: There's mana stones here and there… I wonder if they're the stones of the wizard who'd been steering this thing.
Faust: I believe her name was Melissa. Murr's acquaintance…
Oz: It should be here.
Shino: There's nothing but treasure chests in here…
Faust: Should we just start opening them at random?
Akira: …No, wait… Look at that smaller chest…
Heathcliff: This one?
Akira: Yes. If this cintamani stone is the same size as the one on Hwylryn's bracelet, that should be about the right size for it…
Heathcliff: Then I'm going to open this one with my magic. <Repsev Aivulp Sunos> …Huh?
Oz: There is a seal placed on it.
Faust: I guess we're just going to have to force it.
Shino: Hey. That's way more crude than your usual methods.
Heathcliff: It seems like a pretty simple seal… It should come undone pretty easily…
Akira: Do you think you can do it?
Heathcliff: It's not like I'd be able to open any seal you put in front of me, but Nero taught me a bit about it… …Okay… <Repsev Aivulp Sunos> It opened…!
Shino: You did it, Heath!
Vespa: …! …!
Faust: So this is a cintamani stone… I've never seen one before.
Heathcliff: Really, you haven't?
Faust: Nope. Oz, can you confirm that's actually what this is?
Oz: Yes.
I peeked inside the chest. There was a beautiful blue gem inside, one that looked the same as the one that had been set in Hwylryn's bracelet.
Akira: …This is the cintamani stone of medicine… We can save Snow and White with this!
Oz: Correct.
Oz smiled, looking relieved. Even if he'd never said as much, there was no way he wasn't worried about the twins' lives. He took his staff in hand and looked up towards the water's surface.
Oz: Heathcliff. Shino.
Heathcliff: Yes.
Shino: …
Oz: I shall entrust the two of you with the stone, and transport the both of you to Borda Island. I am trusting the both of you to take it to Figaro.
Heathcliff: Wait a second… You mean you're only sending the two of us back to land?
Shino: What about you? You're planning on going to where Arthur is, aren't you.
Oz: Correct.
Heathcliff: What about you, Mr. Faust…?
Faust: I'm going to look for Lennox. I want the both of you to return to shore.
Heathcliff: But I'm worried about you… And Nero told me to watch out for you. I'm staying with you.
Faust: Don't be stupid…
Heathcliff: If Lord Oz stops being able to use magic, the burden you're carrying right now is only going to get heavier. So wouldn't it be much safer to have him and the Sage deliver the stone instead, the way Prince Arthur said they should?
Shino: That's true… As soon as Oz is able to use his magic again, he can just pop right back down here.
Oz: It is difficult to accurately read the location of presences within the water. I am not certain I will be able to transport myself accurately.
Shino: Then just don't come back. Deliver the stone and then the Sage can open negotiations with the sea dragon.
Shino had a bitter look on his face as the words left his mouth.
Shino: To be honest, I don't think it's a good idea. If the dragon eats Oz while he can't use his magic, it's going to become an enemy no one's gonna be able to deal with.
Heathcliff: Shino…
Shino: I'm just speaking the truth.
I saw fear and apprehension in Shino's eyes, but he wasn't looking away. He wasn't a coward, after all; he was cautious because he was an excellent warrior. I was probably putting too much faith in my instincts and saying something stupid, but…
Akira: (That dragon is my friend…) (But I don't know if Hwylryn thinks the same of me. In that case, negotiations are going to be a bust. All I'll have done is make things harder for everyone…)
As my heart began to cloud over, Hwylryn's innocent, guileless smile flashed through my mind. I shook my head, just a little. I couldn't just decide talking to him was meaningless before I even had a chance to try.
Akira: If Hwylryn hurts Oz, then I will truly think of him as our enemy. If he intends to do anything else to Snow and White after what he's already done to them, then I will truly think of him as our enemy. And if I do, then my heart will align with Oz's, and he'll be able to use his magic, so…
Faust: …Sage… …This isn't the kind of thing I want to have to say, but this is a matter of life or death. All your lives, even.
Akira: …What is it?
Faust: It's difficult to think of someone you once called a friend as your enemy.
I looked at him. Faust had been betrayed by someone he'd considered his best friend, and became a curseworker. My judgment now sufficiently clouded, I looked up at Oz. After a moment of silence, he nodded.
Oz: For now, we must prioritize haste. We will take the stone to the castle.
Faust: Got it. The rest of us will follow Arthur's group.
Oz: I pray for your safety.
Heathcliff: Take care, Master Sage.
Shino: Sage. I have one last thing to say first. I've encountered a lot of animals in the Sherwood Forest. I've considered some of them friends, too. But in the end, they're just wild animals. Sometimes they attacked me anyways, and I had to take care of them after that.
Akira: Shino…
Shino: Sometimes you can't be friends no matter how much you try. But you can't blame yourself when that happens. Because it gets to be too much that way.
Heathcliff: …
Akira: …Thank you, Shino.
Shino: That's it. If your negotiations work, be sure to introduce me. I wanna try riding on a dragon.
Akira: Alright… Thank you, everyone!
Oz: Let us depart, Sage.
Akira: Okay!
Oz: <Vox Nox>
Akira: …
And then, I was in the sky. The sky was clear, and the stars shined brightly. It didn't take long for Borda Island to come into view. Oz seemed relieved he was able to use his magic. He glanced at me, my hand still held tightly in his own.
Oz: We shall arrive at the castle momentarily.
Akira: Okay. Um, Oz… Can I ask you something?
Oz: What.
Akira: …Why did you stop your attack against Hwylryn back then? I know that Snow and White are very important to you… But you listened to me instead…
Oz: … Had I ignored your words and slain the dragon… You would have never trusted me again.
Akira: …
I felt a strange, all-consuming warmth well up inside of me. I…was treasured. My heart was treasured. That's how I felt right then. The moon hung in the sky above the ocean, its golden glow flickering on the waves. I wanted to treasure everyone in this exact same way. I wanted to be capable of noticing people's wishes that had fallen to the wayside and pick them up, cradling them gently in my palms. I wanted to support people's hearts with kind words. As if I could cast spells of my own.
Oz: Let us be off, Akira.
Akira: …Okay!
Rustica: <Amores Viesse>
Hwylryn: …It's such a lovely sound…
Cain: …!
Arthur: Cain!
Cain: Let's go, Arthur! Let's save Shylock! I can't see if anything's there, but I'm still getting goosebumps just from the presence of the thing Murr was talking about!
Rutile: W…well, the beautiful, silver-haired young man we met at the torta di cocco shop is in front of us right now. But like the Sage said, his name is Hwylryn. But he's really a dragon…
Arthur: …Then, this would be…?
Cain: If he's strong enough to rival Oz, then we cannot beat this thing. We should find and save Shylock while Rustica's magic is still working on him! I'll stay here to support Rustica!
Chloe: …I'll stay, too!
Rutile: I will as well! Hwylryn remembered who I am! I might be able to talk to him…
Murr: Gotcha! Then I'll get going!
Arthur: Murr!
Murr: Let's go, Arthur!
Arthur: Alright!
Vespa's Sister: …! …!
Arthur: Thank you! Please, take us there!
Chloe: …Be safe, okay…! And please help Shylock…!
Rustica: …Lalala…lalala…
Hwylryn: …Pretty…
Rutile: …
Chloe: …
Cain: C'mon…please… …Don't come back to your senses…
Heathcliff: Let's start heading back to Prince Arthur's group. Vespa, can you take us there?
Vespa: …! …!
Faust: …
Shino: Quit worrying, Faust. Everyone in Arthur's group is reliable. Maybe they're taking Lennox back right now as we speak.
Faust: You're right…
Heathcliff: What is Lennox to you, Mr. Faust? I know that he used to be your servant a long time ago, but…
Shino: Man, don't say "a long time ago". He wants to still be serving you. He keeps looking at me and Heath all jealous-like.
Faust: …
Shino: And you've completely lost your cool about him. The two of you were close, right?
Faust: We never had a relationship as significant as all that. It's just… …I worried him for so long. Even though we were only together for a few years, he spent four hundred looking for me. That's a long time for someone to feel the same way, but he's the kind of person who can maintain that kind of loyalty. He's patient, sincere, and very strong at heart. Anyone would be blessed to have him nearby. No matter how much one might hate themself, he'd keep doing what he could for them, affirming them instead of denying them. He's not someone who should be next to me. Someone like him should be serving someone more serene, someone who's at least a little bit blessed. Someone who actually has a future. If he'd just forget about me, he'd find someone else in no time. I just want to bless him somehow.
Shino & Heathcliff: …
Faust: …I shouldn't have said all that. …! Both of you, get back!
Heathcliff: …?! The ocean currents are whipping into a whirlpool…!
Faust: <Salliuqnart Mulcredo>
Shino: Faust!
Heathcliff: Mr. Faust!
Faust: Are you two okay?!
Lennox?: …So this is where it was…
Faust: … Bastard…!
Shino: Lennox…! No, Balthazar…
Lennox?: Where is the cintamani stone. Hand it over without a fuss to save yourselves.
Faust: …That's my line. Give back Lennox's body! Or else I'll make sure your soul rots in Hell for all eternity!
Lennox?: Fascinating. For an Eastern wizard to declare that… I'd like to see you try.
Faust: <Salliuqnart Mulcredo>!
Lennox?: <Mare Praeda>!
Lennox: … I heard someone call my name…? …Where is this…? I feel like I've walked a long way, and yet… You're right, Courir… I've been to a lot of places. And I've met a lot of people. Just like how I met you… I've been blessed everywhere I've gone. But…he was never there.
???: Faust? He's not here right now. What am I doing? I'm cleaning the mud off everyone's boots. We were all clomping around in the rain yesterday. I've got more stamina than most people. And I always wake up early, so I have the time to spare. Wait, aren't you… You're that wizard from the coal mine that just joined up, right? Lennox? I knew it! You're pretty huge even from a distance, but you're even bigger seeing you up close like this. What happened at the mine was terrible… How's your family? Did they make it out okay? …Oh, I see… …I'm sorry. Hey, could you lean over a little? …Hm? What for? It's so I can give you a hug. Thank you…thank you for coming all this way….thank you for continuing to live without ever giving up… … Haha… Yeah, people tell me I'm warm a lot. It's good to be working with you, Lennox. Ah… Sorry for treating you like a kid. …Since Faust isn't here, you want to talk to Sir Alec instead? You're hugging him right now, actually.
Alec: Welcome, Lennox. I'm Alec.
Shylock: Mm… My apologies, but I'm afraid I don't know. But if you've been searching for him for this long and haven't found him, then… Perhaps he's changed his name or sequestered himself away from society? It's also possible that he simply does not wish to see you again. Oh, no. I'm not trying to criticize your chasing after him. I am a Western wizard. I'm fond of people who have given themselves up to their desires. However… … Please, sit down. Let me pour you a glass. It's on the house. Take a moment to recover from your long, long journey.
Figaro: You're still looking for Faust…? Wouldn't it be better to just give up already? There's no guarantee you'll find him… And even if you do, there's no telling if he'll still be the man you're longing for. Someone who's been betrayed and hurt like that loses everything. Light, kindness, peace, luck, a genuine smile… I've seen more people like that than I can count. Despair is like a poison. It changes people. But you haven't changed, even though you couldn't protect your master and he tossed you away. Oh, don't get me wrong. That's me praising you. I think you're amazing for still being able to cling onto your hope like that.
Tiletta: I suppose so. Are you planning on leaving the South at some point, then? I'm planning on staying. I've got a husband, after all, and we've got a kid on the way. The spirits here still seem to be completely baffled by me, but I'm sure it'll work out somehow. When my child grows up, I hope the two of you will get along, provided you're still in the country. You'll be fine. I know you'll find him. Wizards have long lives, after all. Even if you never made a promise to meet again, as long as you stay alive, you'll meet one another again and again and again. So it'll be fine. Both you and the person you're looking for are wizards. You can still meet again. And you will.
Vespa's Sister: …! …!
Arthur: So Shylock is down this path…?
Murr: Remember, Balthazar's a Northern wizard! We can't match him so easily! Don't try to attack him head on! Once we save Shylock, it's time to split!
Arthur: Understood! We can't let ourselves take too long here, or the rest of our group will be in danger!
Murr: Nice job, reading between the lines! Arthur! In the unlikely chance things come to blows, I'll be right there to support you! You'll be the cornerstone of our attack. So I'll be in your care!
Arthur: Let's watch each other's backs! Ah…! There's Shylock!
Murr: Shylock!
Shylock: …! Stay back! This area is inside of a magic circle that Balthazar has cleverly hidden away. Setting foot inside of it will make you unable to use magic.
Murr: Sounds like we should be smashing that circle first, then! I'll wipe away the illusions hiding it so we can see it, annnnd…
Arthur: I'll break the pattern enough that it can't keep itself working!
Murr: Got it in one! Good boy!
Arthur: I've got your prudent guidance, after all!
Murr: <Eanul Lambru>
Arthur: (Light is gathering around the circumference of the area…) (I need to break the pattern of Balthazar's circle…!) <Pernoctant Nixzo> Did that get rid of it?!
Murr: You did it! Great job, Arthur!
Arthur: Yeah! Time to save Shylock!
Lennox?: <Mare Praeda>
Faust: <Salliuqnart Mulcredo>! …gh, I can block his attacks…! Get ready to put up an exorcism circle!
Shino: Got it! Styrax resin, compeil oil, fallen elderleaves…
Heathcliff: We're in the middle of the ocean! You can't just use them as-is! First we need to stabilize the area with white rose quartz… <Repsev Aivulp Sunos>
Shino: <Matzah Sudipas>
Lennox?: How naiive…!
Faust: I'm your opponent right now! <Salliuqnart Mulcredo> Lennox! It's me! Answer me, Leno…!
Lennox?: …This body is mine! I'll rip this head right off its shoulders! I wouldn't mind giving you back just the head. Though it'd turn to stone as soon as I did!
Faust: The only one turning to stone here is you! <Salliuqnart Mulcredo>
Lennox?: Hmph. Was that supposed to do something? …?! Shylock…! …gh…!
Faust: (It worked!) (Something seemed to disturb him for a moment, though…)
Lennox?: …kh… What are you waiting for, Hwylryn?! I told you not to let them get close to him!
Hwylryn: …Ah…
Rustica: …! My spell wore off…
Cain: C'mon! Try it again…
Rustica: <Amores Viesse>
Hwylryn: Nope, not this time.
Rustica: …
Hwylryn: Huh… There's less of you than before. How many went further in? Well, you got me… Guess this is how it has to be. I'll take you all on.
Rutile: Hwylryn…! Please return Leno and Shylock! They're very precious people to us!
Hwylryn: I'm sorry. Balthazar seems like he really wants them. You're one of Akira's friends, right? I don't want to have to hurt you. You should get away from here.
Rutile: I won't leave until we have both of them back…!
Hwylryn: … Okay. I'm really not feeling up to this, but…
Cain: (He's coming!) <Gladius Procella>
Rustica: <Amores Viesse>
Cain: …Uwaahh…!
Rustica: …Kh…!
Chloe: Rustica…! …ah, ahhh…
Rutile: Oh no…!
Hwylryn: Just let the current take you far, far away from here. Coming back is a no-no, okay?
Cain: …gh! <Gladius Procella>!
Hwylryn: …You're not listening…
Cain: …! (The current is so strong…!) …gh…! (I'm going to be swallowed by the current…! It's going to rip my limbs apart…!) (I'm wasting so much magic just trying to keep it together…!) (At this rate, I won't be able to breathe…!)
Rustica: <Amores Viesse>
Hwylryn: …
Cain: Rustica…!
Rustica: Cain, are you okay?!
Hwylryn: …La…lala…
Cain: Is it that spell again…?!
Rustica: Yes. Though it won't last long, I fear. Chloe, Rutile.
Chloe: Absolutely not! I am not running!
Rustica: …
Chloe: …I'll use the cloaking magic again…and you can use your song, and…
Rustica: …Alright.
Rutile: Cain, I'll heal you!
Cain: It's fine! Save your magic! If someone's close to death, they'll need it more…
Hwylryn: …nn…
Cain: … He's going to attack again…
Hwylryn: …Hmm? Oh, you got me again…
Rustica: <Amores Viesse>
Chloe: <Suispicibo Voitengok>!
Hwylryn: Jeez… I guess I'll have to make it hurt a little.
Cain: <Gladius Procella>!
Hwylryn: Back off!
Cain: …Waaahhh…!
Chloe: …cough…! I can't…breathe…!
Rustica: Chloe…!
Rutile: …Everyone…!
Mithra: …Sigh… Don't piss me off so much, Figaro… Why do you have to make me mad? If you're so worried, then you should've just protected the Sage yourself. I'm already busy enough keeping Mitile and Rutile safe. Because I promised Tiletta I'd protect them… … Uh oh… What were those two supposed to be doing right now? Are they waiting for cake again… … <Arthim>
Next Chapter
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dollbnuuy · 2 months ago
for the most recent ask game : both sets of questions With a character of your choice?^^
hi anon! sorry this took me so long to get to i was a little overwhelmed / busy with family stuff ... but im here now! i decided to answer these with ishmael (limbus company), the padded agere section of the ask game is under the cut :]
𓂃 𓈒��� normal agere asks
What age range are they?
ishmael is a toddler regressor to me! she usually regresses to about 3-4.
Do they have a caregiver?
yes! she has many actually. on the pequod, queequeg was her caregiver and nothing can convince me otherwise. with the sinners, i think rodya slots into the role of her primary cg :) i could see dante or maybe even like. faust taking care of her as well but they're more like babysitters more than anything.
What's their favorite little item?
i feel like she has a stuffie she's really attached to... maybe a little octopus or another non-whale aquatic animal. perhaps it's a keepsake from queequeg? idk. other than that i think she could be attached to a specific pacifier or bath toy, something along those lines.
Are they okay with babysitters? or do they not like them?
it... varies, as many things do with ishmael. she either really really wants to play with them or gets really fussy and wants her cg back. i can imagine heathcliff babysitting her and her getting sooo fussy about it.
Do they have a favorite animal?
kind of an obvious answer but she likes anything aquatic! i think octopi and jellyfish are up there. pleasee take her to the aquarium she will share so many facts!
Is there anything about their regression that they don't like or are ashamed of?
hmhmhm. i feel like she would reallyyy hate how much her past interferes with her ability to 'regress' properly, if that makes sense. i think everything with the pequod and ahab would make it so she's basically always on edge and i could see her anger / desire for revenge spilling into her regression. this would improve for her post canto 5 for sure, but i think she would still have moments where she gets really scared or moody when she's small and she does not like that at all.
an additional, slightly less angsty answer would be the vulnerability of regression. she's not a big fan of regressing in front of the other sinners, esp pre canto 5
Is there anything they really like about their regression?
i think she likes being silly and messing with people while silly :) i feel like it allows her to be a little more carefree and open with other people, and i think that would be good for her.
Have they regressed in public?
maaaybe? there are definitely parts of her canto and intervallo 2 that i can point to and be like "that's a baby." outside of the context of the game, maybe her and rodya went on a little outing to the park or the aquarium at some point on a day-off. maybe i will write this sometime. in general though, she doesn't regress in public much unless it is involuntary.
Do they have any positive triggers that make them small?
i think being near the sea or water in general is both a positive and negative trigger for her, depending on how she's feeling. being teased by rodya or one of the other sinners is another big one
Do they have any negative triggers that make them small?
anything that reminds her of ahab and just like. people misunderstanding her or getting upset with her. she is so small
Do they prefer to watch shows or to use them as background noise when small?
hmm, probably the latter? i think she would be good at dividing her attention between the tv and whatever she's doing / playing with.
When did they start regressing?
i get the vibe that it's something she picked up while working at her old nest office job tbh. idk why but i just do
Has anyone been unsupportive of their littlespace?
well... i feel like if ahab knew about it she wouldn't be unsupportive per say, but would probably use it as leverage in her manipulation of ishmael and those around her. out of the sinners? i think everyone ranges from enjoying playing with her to just being chill about it. outis might be a bit of a stick in the mud about it but she's got her own baggage so
𓂃 𓈒𓏸 padded little asks
Does your character like being padded, or not?
hmm.. it varies. generally, she feels somewhat shameful about it and the amount of comfort it brings her, but would rather be padded than have an accident. less embarrassing overall
Do they prefer the term nappy, diaper, or diapy?
diaper (or diapy if she's super itty bitty), but she generally doesn't like saying the word directly. just kind of gestures and alludes to it vaguely, will get all fussy if you mention it when she's small.
Does anyone help change them?
both of her main cgs over the years would, but rodya is definitely way more ambivalent about it. i think dante would offer to help but it would take a while for ishmael to warm up to the idea.
Have they ever felt ashamed for this comfort item?
yes, for sure. she doesn't like talking about it at all unless she's veryy small and that shame kind of melts away.
Do they use them for all accidents, only one, or do they not use them at all?
i thiiink it's 50/50 whether or not she actually uses it. depends on how small she is, what kind of mood she's in, the overall situation, etc.
When did they start wearing? Did someone need to tell them to wear or did they get them themselves.
i feel like it either started while she was working on the pequod or afterward. i kind of like the idea of her starting to wear stuff afterwards to cope but also i feel like queequeg would be kind about ishmael being padded :)
Do they prefer thicker or thinner diapers?
thinner. she's doesn't typically need the thicker ones, and they're way less visible.
Do they have a diaper bag?
maaaybe? i feel like she or rodya would throw all of her supplies into the same bag as her other little stuff, just so it's sort of inconspicuous.
What do they put over their nappy? Pajama pants, a skirt, onesie, nothing?
i don't have a very strong picture of what she wears when she's regressed, but if she's padded she'd probably lean towards stuff that conceals it well, like baggy pajama pants or long dresses / skirts.
Do they need help remembering when to change?
generally no? she's big enough / bothered by the sensation enough to notice it and want to get changed pretty quickly aftwards.
Have they ever worn when big?
i think she might have a couple of times. she might occasionally wear stuff to bed if she's feeling on edge about something, but it's not often.
Do they prefer to forgot they have them, or do they prefer to know its there?
i feel like. she simultaneously likes knowing she's protected but hates thinking about the fact she has to have them because they're for babies. it depends, really.
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radiophile [drabble]
March, 2020
”Toss me a cigarette, I think there's one in my raincoat" “We smoked the last one an hour ago"
The spark of the radio really should frighten her. After all, no radio should be turning on by itself. But Ellen Scrooge had seen stranger things than that. She fixed it with a calm look, the smoke from her third cigarette twining up in the air.
“Don’t you start.” She said quietly. “You have no right to talk.” She reached out for her glass of wine. “And don’t you start on this either. I only allow myself the one.”
The radio’s static grumbled.
“You try working in this world, at this time, and not find a way to relax.”
It jolted again. "Heathcliff, it’s me, I’m Cathy, I’ve come home."
“Oh god, not Kate Bush.” She said with a tired laugh. “I can’t stomach it. Yes, yes, I know it's you, but must you play that? Go back to Simon and Garfunkel.”
Here’s to you, Mrs. Robinson.
She laughs again. It was slightly more genuine. “I thank you for that.”
Silence returned with the radio static. It shifted into a gentle lullaby.
“No. That won’t work. Thanks, but won't. So don't grumble." The static shifted again.
"I don’t sleep well anymore. Not that I ever have.” Ellen said quietly. “…I can hear Fred crying through the walls.”
Well, everybody hurts sometimes.
“The boy is only 25, though. He had his whole life ahead of him. He tries his best, but his black mood only gets worse by the day.” Ellen put her head on her hands. “He can’t help it. It-.”
Runs in the family, I come by it honestly.
“Exactly.” She rubbed at her eyes. “I’m…so tired.”
The radio fell silent.
“When you said I had to repent, I didn’t need it to be this hard, you know. It’d be easier to live on this world as wicked. At least I wouldn’t care before.”
"You made me repent for my sins. Ding dong merrily on high. I had exactly three months of fun. And then this blasted pandemic happened. And here I am. Inside again."
Every way you look at it, cha' lose.
"It might have been easier to be bad," Ellen's cigarette burned her lungs. "At least I could suffer the suffering better then. It...gnaws at me. So much pain. So much sadness. And I'm stuck inside."
Nothing there sings, Not even my lark. Larks never will, you know, When they're captive. Teach me to be more adaptive.
"Being adaptive is hardly the problem. I was too adaptive, if anything." She tilts her head at the radio. “You’ve made me care again. And now you’re gone. And I care too much. And there's nothing I can do but wait this out."
You make me like charity, instead of paying enough taxes.
“If only that was the least of this world’s problems.”
The radio went silent again. Ellen sipped at her wine and finished her cigarette. She was about to leave the living room when-.
See the pyramids along the Nile, Watch the sun rise from a tropic isle Just remember, darling, all the while-.
“You belong to me.” Ellen finished with a tired, sad smile. “The one Christmas party we went to at Jorkin’s yes. I remember it. I’ve always liked that song. The only one we ever went to. You made me dance."
See the market place in old Algiers Send me photographs and souvenirs Just remember when a dream appears You belong to me
“And I’ll be so alone without you.” Ellen replied, leaning against a chair. She’d never claimed to be a singer. She spoke the lyrics in return, voice quiet. Maybe you’ll be lonesome too-“
Fly the ocean in a silver plane See the jungle when it's wet with rain Just remember 'til you're home again You belong to me.
“You belong to me.”
She shook her head fondly. She was too tired for any more. “Goodnight, Jacob.”
The radio didn't offer any retort. But as she got into bed, Ellen heard it murmuring gently.
We'll meet again Don't know where, don't know when But I know we'll meet again some sunny day.
"Strangelove, indeed." She said out loud.
She almost thought she heard his laugh.
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throughpatchesofviolet · 3 months ago
I've been thinking about Heathlock a lot, lately, but I have no way of putting those thoughts into words, at the moment.
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llycaons · 8 months ago
It's so gratifying watching heathcliff and cathy actually make out and declare their love and all even tho it's not really a surprise to either of them how they feel and it IS in some ways a terrible and tragic scene. but in a lot of romances I just don't care abt the characters bc I don't think they're interesting and I don't care about their arcs or their happiness even if the author promises they really do love each other soo much and its SUCH a love story for the ages. like usually they're bland and I'm bored or annoyed.
but the romance here has been developed so intensely, and over so many years, and each of them is so strongly characterized, and they're such terrible people, and they're clearly deeply obsessed with each other, and we're not really asked to idolize them or their relationship, that I feel quite affected by their plight! I want them to be happy and together and not terrorizing anyone else! even though they're married to other people it's obvious they're going to be the only ones the other will EVER ever love. man...they better fuck...
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lobotemi · 2 years ago
formulating small thoughts on all of the sinners in limbus so far (some vague limbus company spoilers, LARGE TEXT WALL WARNING):
yi sang - the blorbo. the scrimblo even. he is definitely one of my favourite sinners after canto 4 (will post my full thoughts on that later) which is surprising because i didn't really like him that much before at all. i was really neutral on him but canto 4 has just made me love him to bits
faust - she is super interesting to me, considering her source material i think she has the potential to have the best canto. i am also just constantly entertained by her antics (hell's chicken was the BEST for getting to know everyone a little more outside of the main plot. i'm super excited for 4.5) it's obvious she's hiding something, i think dante even mentions as such, but i think that makes her cooler. she is the one who (presumably) recruited all the sinners and vergilius, so she's rlly rlly interesting and i hope we get to know more soon (soon as in 2 YEARS WHEN HER CANTO IS OUT)
don quixote - definitely top 3 sinners for me, she's everything... she grew on me so much, after things like her moment with sinclair, the facade slip in canto 2... she's just super interesting to me and i'm really excited to see what comes with her canto. plus her favourite moment of mine which is the bongy chicken log where she talks about eating the chickens, and then proceeds to not own up to it. phenomenal job don
ryoshu - hellscreen is one of my favourite pieces of literature referenced by limbus, and it's real fucked up. ryoshu is very entertaining to watch, though she rarely speaks. seeing sinclair translate her acronyms is very silly and overall as a character i really like her so far. excited to see what's to come for her
meursault - i like meursault, there's no one i actively dislike, but i'm just neutral on him. he's cool i just dunno how to feel about him yet. his source material is cool though i'm excited to see how his canto goes. his moment in hell's chicken was silly and made me like him a lot more
hong lu - he's silly. i think all of the sinners are silly but hong lu takes the cake. though after canto 4 i've started respecting him a lot more, he can be really mature and he is a sweet little guy he's just a little dumb sometimes. i really enjoy his presence in the group though, he's great, i can't wait for his canto (though i'll probably never read his source material because of its sheer length, but i'll probably force myself to eventually because i am interested). thank you project moon for making me read classical literature
heathcliff - funnily enough heathcliff was one of my least favourites out of the group at the start of the game, but he is definitely one of my favourites now. it's been really sweet to see him gradually start to care about the other sinners and he has mellowed out a lot which i appreciate. wuthering heights is cool and i'm excited to see his canto (which i think is coming after ishmael's, so hype!)
ishmael - ISHMAEL. she is amazing. wonderful. beautiful. i'm not sure if i'd say she's my favourite sinner but she is definitely in my top 3 with donquixote, though if you asked me idfk who else is in the top 3. SO excited for her canto and she seems really interesting from the tidbits we got about her so far. like, she's gone to the outskirts? i hope she finally gets the closure she needs and deserves (..and we get a sea shanty from mili LOL)
rodya - the mother of the group... rodya was another character i didn't really care for at the start of the game but she's SO sweet and i don't understand how i didn't like her. canto 2 wasn't my favourite but it was really silly and i hope she gets another focus canto at some point because it feels unfair that sinclair and yi sang (and probably everyone else from this point) get a mili song but gregor and rodya don't??? i dunno, i really like both of them and i think it's a shame since their arcs didn't feel complete.. so hopefully she gets more spotlight!
sinclair - sinclair is very very cool. i like him very much, his canto was really interesting and kromer was a really cool villain, i like seeing him slowly gain confidence over the story and demian looks to be a really cool character as well. like gregor and rodya, his arc didn't feel fully complete to me (?) but hopefully he can get more of a spotlight in the future despite canto 3 being phenomenal already. i am not opposed to more sinclair content, he fits in the group really well and he bounces off the other sinners well. i really like him!!!
outis - words cannot describe how excited i am to learn more about outis. she's such an asshole but we support women's wrongs. was there any need to make fun of sinclair like that in canto 4? no, but she did it anyway. she seems to give less and less of a fuck about maintaining her relationship with dante every canto and i find that hilarious, outis is amazing. i'm really excited for her canto, i like her a lot
gregor - he is done so wrong in his canto. SO WRONG... gregor deserves the world, all he has ever done is be a cool guy to the rest of the sinners and he was the first person to kinda be nice to dante. and that was from the start as well. massive respect to trauma dad he is amazing. i hope he gets more spotlight soon, he works so well in the group and he has such fun interactions with everyone.
dantehh - they're so cool. they're so amazing. shuckaroonies they are a really interesting character. i really REALLY appreciate that they're not a self-insert because i think that would shatter my soul. i'm really interested to find out who they are, how this whole reversing people's time came from and where they came from because faust seems to know who they were before. they are a very good executive manager. well done on scoring those goals for lcg you absolute legend
these obviously aren't my full thoughts on all of the sinners, i'd love to do individual posts analysing all of the sinners and possibly a post with predictions about the next cantos based on the their respective source materials. but this is just how i feel about them after engaging in limbus for about 2 months and getting into lobcorp and ruina. (if you have read this far, and somehow haven't played these two games, PLEASE PLAY THEM THEY ARE SO GOOD...........)
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doctorcolubra · 1 month ago
Wuthering Heights (reread)
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My thoughts on beginning this reread were that (a) I didn't particularly enjoy reading this in high school, although I wasn't a confirmed hater either; (b) I didn't like any of the characters, with sort of a half-hearted fondness for Lockwood; (c) I thought I would appreciate the deeper themes more as an adult, now that I'm not expecting it to be either a love story or a supernatural gothic.
For the most part, the latter assumption held: I understood it far better and was able to appreciate the descriptions and the themes of class. I appreciated the way the nested framing and the narrative doubling situates the story in time and emphasises repetition and consequence. I also really respected the way that this book inspires passion in the reader, whether positive or negative, just as the characters are buffeted about by their emotions—it's like casting a Scroll of Strong Opinions on yourself with little control over the outcome.
My strong opinions on this reread: fuck all these people. Yes, even Nelly! For about 75% of the book, Nelly is the only normal person with something resembling a conscience...and for the last 25%, she hates on a dying child whom she knows and acknowledges to be a victim of parental abuse, and it happens a lot. Linton Heathcliff was the only person I really wanted to rescue from the narrative, because (at least after Isabella dies) he hasn't got one single solitary adult in his life who cares about him or sees him as human. Yes, Linton's annoying and selfish and sickly; so is practically everyone else in the book! But Heathcliff hates and violently abuses his son, Hareton contributes to it, Cathy Jr. clearly thinks she's incredibly kind and generous to tolerate his company, and Nelly calls him "effeminate", "defective", "cowardly", etc. etc., both in private and to his face.
The only way this behaviour makes sense is by reading the racial undertones of the book, which are covered in an essay at the end of this edition: Heathcliff is written as strong-but-evil because he's racialised (albeit ambiguously!) as some type of dark-skinned other, but Linton is the result of (perceived?) miscegenation, and therefore gets the Victorian stereotypes about mulattoes and hybrids—weak, sick, evil, treacherous, not masculine, and so on. Nothing besides a white Victorian horror at race-mixing really explains why this poor sickly traumatised kid is portrayed as such a villain.
[Sidebar here but the racism in this book is genuinely so ugly that I'm not sure why any PoC actor would want to play Heathcliff—he's so spiteful and nasty and abusive that I don't think there's much scope for humanising him.]
Is it still a great novel? Yeah, sure, why not—all Victorian lit is racist, take yo sensitive ass back to Third World Lit. The portrayal of family abuse and trauma wreaking havoc over generations is powerful, and it should make a great movie even though none of the adaptations have been good that I can recall. I enjoyed Nelly's company through much of the book, at least. But that last 25% left a nasty taste in my mouth, and the "conventional" ending (with its hidden layers of darkness) between Cathy Jr. and Hareton did nothing to change that for me. I'm not in high school anymore and I don't have to have complex, well-grounded opinions for my final essay, I'm free to have a bad time and get mad at everybody and imagine unquiet sleepers in that quiet earth.
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infectedhusband · 8 months ago
For Mark, Thatcher, and/or Doe ?
💌: How would your dynamic be portrayed? What might people focus on most? Any misconceptions?
🎞️: What ‘canon’ scenes would the fandom point to as evidence for the validity of your ship?
👯: What canon character are you most similar to?
Rubbing my hands together mischievously right now.
I do want to say right now, before I get into this, that Thatcher and Mark are from the same media, but when it comes to my relationships with them, our relationships are on different "timelines" so to speak. Yes, Thatcher would exist while I'm dating Mark, but I wouldn't be related to Thatcher in that timeline, or vice versa. Sorry if that sounds confusing. 😭
Mark Heathcliff:
💌: We'd definitely be portrayed as very wholesome. I'm not really sure there would be any misconceptions, minus maybe people thinking we're "just friends." Spoiler alert, we aren't just friends.
🎞️: This is kinda hard since the series kicks off with him dying. I feel like their would be some little bits and pieces in the first volume referencing me and maybe some about his feelings toward me, but nothing that jumps out and says "hey these two are in a relationship!!!!". Maybe there'd be a small tidbit mentioning me in his notebook or something?
👯: Jonah. I'm very similar to Jonah.
Thatcher Davis:
💌: We'd be portrayed as your average father/son relationship. The fans wouldn't see the other side of our relationship. I won't go into detail here, since I'd prefer to keep most of that to myself. People would definitely focus on how good of a father he is.
🎞️: Oh it would be completely obvious that we're father and son. Even though we aren't blood related, it'd be obvious that he cares for me like he would his own son. Hell, it'd be stated directly that he sees me as his own. But again, the other side of our relationship wouldn't be portrayed.
👯: Again, since Mark and Thatcher are from the same media, I'd be very similar to Jonah.
John Doe:
💌: Honestly, I'm not sure if we'd even be portrayed in the canon media. Sure, I'd be a character, but I don't feel like there would be any "romantic" (or really any) interaction between me and Doe in the game, since the game is more focused on Doe and "You", rather than Doe and me. But if there was any lore about us in the canon media, we'd be portrayed the same way that Doe and "You" are portrayed, since we went through a similar process.
🎞️: Again, I'd be a character, but there wouldn't be much interaction between me and Doe. If anything, we'd be a crackship made up by the fans. 😭
👯: In the John Doe game, there aren't any other characters other than "You" and Doe, so I'd probably be similar to "You" I guess!
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